Bob Marshall Wilderness
"The Bob" is the fifth-largest wilderness in the lower 48 states.
"The Bob" is completely roadless. The only permanent structures are some old ranger stations and horse bridges.
"The Bob," comprises three contiguous wilderness parcels; Scapegoat, Bob Marshall, and Great Bear. Together, they consist of 1.8 million acres of wildlands and house more than 200 miles of the Continental Divide between Helena, Montana, and the southern border of Glacier National Park.
With numerous waterfalls, lakes, and dense forests, the wilderness is prime Grizzly bear habitat
The U.S. Forest Service claims that the population density of this species is higher in "The Bob" than can be found anywhere else in the U.S. outside of Alaska.
The Bob is also home to many other large mammals, such as moose, elk, black bear, mountain goat, bighorn sheep, wolverine, mountain lion, lynx, and wolf.
The dense old-growth forests are dominated by Douglas fir, larch, and spruce.